Tuesday, May 8, 2012

no. 10

1.The character that I know the most about from my reading so far is Esther, the main character who plays the authors autobiographical character at Smith college. I have mixed feelings toward her because i both admire and dislike her. I admire her because she is a writer and seems motivated acidemically, but also has a manipulative side when it comes to professers, which may seem evil but is a skill that if you can obtain it, i would say use it. I also like her because she is somewhat neurotic and i think that makes me more curious about the book and want to know what happens in the ending because on the back it says that she has a suicide attempt. so the reader is already informed that the book will have some major change at some point. i am anxoius to see when.

i somewhat dislike esther (silvia) because she seems a bit pretentious for how insecure she is. But she also is pretty neurotic, so i guess that makes sense. She see's everything in black and white, and does not look at the gray scale of life.

I like the way she deals with an illness that takes over her whole hotel floor. she is away in NYC for an internship for young writers and fashon magazines (maybe that is why she is somewhat pretentious)  and she describes the feeling of her throwing up and she was so sick she was going to die. "I felt the sickness in great waves." I thought it was a good description for me to really feel the pain as a reader.
If my character found a $100 bill on the ground, i think that she is the type of person who would not know what to do with it. She would over analyze it too much, or think herself into some sort of panic attack, and would have to give it to the next person she saw or just leave it on the ground. But not in a kind way, more in a distressed way because she is so indecisive.


I uploaded this image because the last few chaptes i have read have been somewhat depressing, and this is a famous poem (also known as a very depressing one) bu the author called "Mad Girls Love Song" This is the first and last line of the poem.

Two other quotations I found in the reading that I saved because I thought they were significant were -
"When I was  nineteen pureness was the great issue.
Instead of the world being divided up into Catholics and Protestants or Republicans and Democrates or White men and Black men or even men and women, I saw the world devided into people who had slept  with somebody and and people who hadent. And this seemed the really only significant difference between one person or another. I thought a spectacular change would come the day I crossed the boundary line."

You can tell a lot about Esthers character from that quote- and the next one you can also tell a lot about that also relates back to the 100 dollar bill question.

"I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldnt make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as i sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one they ploped to the ground at my feet."
pages 63 & 66

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